We take story tips seriously. Covetower is committed to uncovering hidden topics worthy of an investigative documentary. To get there, we rely on people like you—insiders, whistleblowers, and community members—to share what they know. Any tip is confidential. We follow journalism shield laws to protect your identity. We’ll never pursue, publish or air anything without your explicit consent unless we independently confirm it elsewhere. Whether you’d like to share anonymously or openly (but confidentially to us), we’re here to listen and support you. By speaking up, you can help hold powerful people and institutions accountable, and bring important stories to light.
Below are open as well as encrypted channels to reach us (See Terms and Conditions for any legal questions).
My Story
Signal is a free, end-to-end encrypted messaging app, which allows you to communicate directly with the investigative team. No metadata is retained by Signal.
For additional anonymity, consider setting up a dedicated phone number to use with Signal. You can do this through several services, such as Google Voice, Skype or Twilio, or you can purchase a prepaid SIM card.
Investigative team’s Signal (secure) as well as Call and Text (not-as-secure) number: (469) 885-7981
Protonmail is a free, end-to-end encrypted messaging app, which allows you to communicate directly with our team. Protonmail uses zero-access encryption to protect the contents of all messages. Only the sender and recipient can read the messages. Protonmail also uses public key cryptography to encrypt messages before sending them.
Investigative team’s Proton email: or
Send to:
PO Box 17131
Boulder CO.